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Great tops, dresses and tricks for the big busted gal.

I know, I know getting dressed is NOT easy when you're a gal with big breasts. Often times women with large busts are self conscience and try to minimize their busts any way they can. Usually its with layers and loose clothing that just makes her look bigger then she really is. Not to worry my top heavy ladies, I'm here to help! Here is a complete list of what to look for when out shopping - plus a few tips and tricks to minimize the bust....

1. Long Necklaces that stop below the bust line. This will draw attention away from your bust and create one long line so eye is moving down below the bust.

2. V-Neck Tops - try to stick to V-neck tops as much as possible. They work the same as the long necklaces, they keep the eye moving up an down and away from the bust. They are also the most slimming of all the neck lines.

3. Tops and Jackets with Vertical Lines and Seams - same theory as v-necks and long necklaces. Look for cardigans, jackets worn open that will create one long, lean line at the torso.

4. Wrap dresses and Tops - these will create diagonal lines thus drawing attention away from the bust. also you can adjust the fit and define the waist.

5. Darting and seams at the bust - start looking at the construction of the fabrics. Dresses with darting and seams from the bottom stitched towards the body will create a nicer side angle.

6. Good Bra Fitting - the biggest mistake top heavy women make is wearing the wrong size bra. The right size bra will minimize and define the bust.

7. Small prints that are close together - when choosing a print stick to smaller prints that are closer together, this will minimize the bust.

8. Monochromatic colors from top to bottom will keep the eye moving . If your bust is very big and you have a shorter waist avoid wearing waist synching belt in a different color then the top. It will break the eye up and draw the eye towards your bust.

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9. Create more space to optically change its size. So what does that mean? It means wear a top, jacket or dress with a bigger shoulder pad or wider sleeves to make the bust appear smaller. The bigger the elements are around the breast the smaller the breasts will appear.

10. Stick to darker colors on top. - this one everyone kinda knows. the darker the color the smaller you will appear. So no hot pink or flourscent yellow hugging your girls.

Things to stay away from:

1. Stitching under and around the bust, You ladies know what I mean. Its those tops that your boob has to sit perfectly in a stitched top and one false move and the top gets all mangled. AVOID THOSE AT ALL COSTS.

2. Button down tops with hard construction or fabrics - button down tops are the biggest challenge for busty ladies because they gap. The harder the construction and fabric the more that will happen. Look for button downs with stretch fabrics or fabric with more give or movement.

3. Layering and excess fabric , details or pockets at the bust.

4. Crew neck tops

5. Wide and big patterns - the wider and bigger the pattern the larger your top half will appear.

6. Deep plunging Vs - thats just wrong. only women w. B cups or smaller call pull off very long plunging necklines.

7. Halter Top and tank tops with skinny straps.

8. Avoid t-shirts with short sleeves that stop right at the bustline. To avoid one straight across the bust wear cap sleeves or 3/4 sleeves.

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